According to the 2021 Auditor-General’s report, all government flagship programmes cost the country a total of GH¢9 billion. Some of these programmes include the Free SHS policy, NaBCO, National Identification Programme, One District One Factory (1D1F), COVID-19 Activity and Vaccine, and National Cathedral project.
The report indicated that GH¢1,409,997,719.41 was allocated to the Free Senior High School Programme-SHS/TVET while GH¢797,190,169.55 was pumped into the Fertilizer Subsidy/Planting for Food and Jobs project.
The government spent a total of GHC114,232,072.16 on the BECE/WASSCE subsidy in 2021.
The Auditor-General’s report also stated that the government spent an amount of GHC242,283,846.97 on COVID-19 Free Water during the outbreak, while COVID-19 Activity & Vaccine costs amounted to GHC1,557,846,913.38.
In addition, a total of GH¢142,762,500 was allocated to the controversial National Cathedral project in 2021.
In total, the Auditor-General stated that the government spent GH¢9,197,771,663.74 on its flagship programmes in 2021.
The Auditor-General’s report was prepared in accordance with Section 81 (1) of the Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921) and Regulation 217 of the Public Financial Management Regulations, 2019 L.I. 2378.