5 Reasons Why Men Love Fair Ladies

Men are very easy to read when it comes to love and relationships. They are very open about their feelings and in most cases will let you know what they like about you and what they dislike, if anything. So, why do men love fair ladies? Well, there are many reasons but here are 5 of the most popular answers to this question.

1) Fair Means Pure
Ladies with light skin have a sense of fairness that is completely unattainable for those with darker complexions. Even when they don’t even have any color on their face, the luster of their skin radiates light which makes them so beautiful. A man can’t resist the idea of being his own knight in shining armor and rescuing this damsel in distress from her darkness. I am naturally dark-skinned, but my bright blue eyes are hard to miss in a room full of people. One day I was at a party and I felt like everyone was staring at me but I finally realized it was because my partner and I were two white people surrounded by predominantly African American men.

2) They Look Good In Vests And Ties

men, fair ladies

Most men prefer their women to be on the fair side. Yes, even the macho-man that thinks he’s invincible. Fine features such as a cute nose, nice cheekbones and plump lips are much more appealing than some guy with missing teeth or a beer gut. We do appreciate curves just not in excess and not to the detriment of health or personal grooming habits! Women with lighter hair also look youthful and youthful is sexy!

3) Their Skin Is Soft And Smooth
Their skin is soft and smooth. It feels good to the touch, even just for a light grazing. They also usually have really good hygiene which makes them smell fresh and clean.men, fair ladies It’s not just about how they look on the outside either. One of my favorite traits of fair ladies is that they tend to be introverted so when you’re with them, it feels like it’s only you and her in the world (in a positive way).

4) They Are Adorable, Especially When Pissed Off
First of all, they are adorably little. And when they get really mad, they’re even more adorable. Plus they’re not that intimidating to start out with. You just need to show them who’s boss and voila! Now you’ve got a sex slave for life (okay, maybe not).

5) They Take Good Care Of Themselves
men, fair ladiesWomen on the fairer skin spectrum often know the value of taking care of themselves from the inside out. Women who spend time on their hair, skin, and nails are a beacon for men looking for good people to be with. Many men can appreciate when a woman goes to great lengths to have healthy hair that doesn’t have split ends or dryness, has dewy skin, and has well-groomed nails because it’s clear she takes care of herself. When someone takes care of themselves they feel confident and fulfilled which is always attractive!https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-6619004355454641&output=html&h=186&slotname=3312912400&adk=3528219727&adf=2888864376&pi=t.ma~as.3312912400&w=743&fwrn=4&lmt=1662512688&rafmt=11&psa=1&format=743×186&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbbckumasi.com%2F5-reasons-why-men-love-fair-ladies%2F&host=ca-host-pub-2644536267352236&wgl=1&adsid=ChAI8N_bmAYQx_3l0JOu0L80Ej0A3daMgbFyvOxZFbjfLyfbJzwi1znt3it4hzebWO25Ti3MMmMJaa7O4yHqJUGmWWLRS6YxnoP1Fgezzz8P&uach=WyJXaW5kb3dzIiwiMTAuMC4wIiwieDg2IiwiIiwiMTA1LjAuMTM0My4yNyIsW10sZmFsc2UsbnVsbCwiNjQiLFtbIk1pY3Jvc29mdCBFZGdlIiwiMTA1LjAuMTM0My4yNyJdLFsiIE5vdDtBIEJyYW5kIiwiOTkuMC4wLjAiXSxbIkNocm9taXVtIiwiMTA1LjAuNTE5NS45NiJdXSxmYWxzZV0.&dt=1662512648336&bpp=37&bdt=3050&idt=37&shv=r20220901&mjsv=m202209010201&ptt=9&saldr=aa&abxe=1&cookie=ID%3D8688c9f43ffc70b6-225d91d0ccd400d4%3AT%3D1660692304%3ART%3D1660692304%3AS%3DALNI_MbfBqLL8cCsOgGo4Os13IX1rWBzew&gpic=UID%3D00000a86d1770df9%3AT%3D1660692304%3ART%3D1662512313%3AS%3DALNI_MaVFuPJbJFgW-6sUXU2JCoGFMIfrw&prev_fmts=0x0%2C1005x124%2C743x186%2C341x280&nras=3&correlator=7019821665291&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=174902402.1660692303&ga_sid=1662512646&ga_hid=1537297964&ga_fc=1&ga_cid=506092619.1662512312&rplot=4&u_tz=0&u_his=8&u_h=768&u_w=1366&u_ah=728&u_aw=1366&u_cd=24&u_sd=1&dmc=4&adx=109&ady=4507&biw=1349&bih=657&scr_x=0&scr_y=1890&eid=44759875%2C44759926%2C44759837%2C44761792%2C44771548&oid=2&psts=AEC3cPJ70_Cw97idK3zEsUeoDobQLNqMFqkh3Gx0-MYvcQ3RA2CMvZ7AwaP9qaN6-xh6EmyS4t3wkFqGJaQZ7xJ42Z0LDTQPHlLgmUUlEshNESY%2CAEC3cPJ0quDYHGCQGw7OfdNymwMt8ePUU6_ppDQ0zbX30XacOz4JJwSUsfHxtML5qwn_dcO_xoEWm5t99NY3lg%2CAEC3cPIa0DaRHXTMtMVaXsOZfpIeccPiIIqyMrsVzK3ZHomYVffk_fKUTr7TLwsb4_nYAr5PO_SdcLH4Tq0dvwY&pvsid=3343263240338060&tmod=1564670886&wsm=1&uas=3&nvt=1&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fbbckumasi.com%2F&eae=0&fc=1920&brdim=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C1366%2C0%2C1366%2C728%2C1366%2C657&vis=1&rsz=%7C%7CEebr%7C&abl=CS&pfx=0&fu=128&bc=31&ifi=4&uci=a!4&btvi=2&fsb=1&xpc=tbjPyzwCpK&p=https%3A//bbckumasi.com&dtd=40372

Men are very easy to read when it comes to love and relationships. They are very open about their feelings and in most cases will let you know what they like about you and what they dislike, if anything. So, why do men love fair ladies? Well, there are many reasons but here are 5 of the most popular answers to this question.

1) Fair Means Pure
Ladies with light skin have a sense of fairness that is completely unattainable for those with darker complexions. Even when they don’t even have any color on their face, the luster of their skin radiates light which makes them so beautiful. A man can’t resist the idea of being his own knight in shining armor and rescuing this damsel in distress from her darkness. I am naturally dark-skinned, but my bright blue eyes are hard to miss in a room full of people. One day I was at a party and I felt like everyone was staring at me but I finally realized it was because my partner and I were two white people surrounded by predominantly African American men.

2) They Look Good In Vests And Ties
Most men prefer their women to be on the fair side. Yes, even the macho-man that thinks he’s invincible. Fine features such as a cute nose, nice cheekbones and plump lips are much more appealing than some guy with missing teeth or a beer gut. We do appreciate curves just not in excess and not to the detriment of health or personal grooming habits! Women with lighter hair also look youthful and youthful is sexy!

3) Their Skin Is Soft And Smooth
Their skin is soft and smooth. It feels good to the touch, even just for a light grazing. They also usually have really good hygiene which makes them smell fresh and clean. It’s not just about how they look on the outside either. One of my favorite traits of fair ladies is that they tend to be introverted so when you’re with them, it feels like it’s only you and her in the world (in a positive way).

4) They Are Adorable, Especially When Pissed Off
First of all, they are adorably little. And when they get really mad, they’re even more adorable. Plus they’re not that intimidating to start out with. You just need to show them who’s boss and voila! Now you’ve got a sex slave for life (okay, maybe not).

5) They Take Good Care Of Themselves
Women on the fairer skin spectrum often know the value of taking care of themselves from the inside out. Women who spend time on their hair, skin, and nails are a beacon for men looking for good people to be with. Many men can appreciate when a woman goes to great lengths to have healthy hair that doesn’t have split ends or dryness, has dewy skin, and has well-groomed nails because it’s clear she takes care of herself. When someone takes care of themselves they feel confident and fulfilled which is always attractive!


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